Live Shot Safety

The only truly safe TV live shot is one that never happens, there will always be some element of risk. The good news is that we can mitigate some of that risk with basic safety…

Emmy Award winner

This just might be the coolest thing ever to arrive in the mail! The pandemic forced a virtual awards ceremony and instead of receiving the Emmy immediately at the event, we received them in the…

RTDNA21 – The Year of the Team

Thank you for attending my seminar. Here are the files we used in class. You can use these two sheets to discuss P.E.T.E in your newsroom! PETE-Risk-Assessment-Worksheet-1Download PETE-Scenarios-1to4Download Head-Set-Partnership-Deck_with-videoDownload

Rule #1, Don’t become the news.. except

Humanitarian first, photojournalist second! Last week I broke one of the cardinal rules of journalism, “Don’t become the news”. I found myself in a weird position and I thought I would share that with all…

NPPA 2020 Joseph Costa Award

I’m truly honored and humbled that my peers nominated me for a National Press Photographers Association (NPPA) award because of my journalist safety initiatives over the past few years. I am incredibly grateful to be…